Wednesday, April 30, 2008

So we forgot to write about one of the more anticipated milestones for Lily and Griff. Nursery! They started in March since that is when Lily turned 18 months. Luckily they let Griff go too.

This is their first little hand-out that they brought home. Don't worry they tried to eat most of the popcorn. It is so nice to actually go to Sunday school again. They have done really well. They don't even notice when I leave. I am 80% glad and 20% sad. But really I'm glad they don't put up a fuss about it. The only draw back is that we have 1:00 church and Griff isn't tired enough to take a nap before church, and it's too late to give him one after church, so he's quite ornery by the end of the night. Oh well.


Nate and Jen Poulson said...

Liam still HATES nursery with a passion! You can hear him screaming from any room in the building. They just put our babysitter in there, so maybe there is hope??

Anonymous said...

Jake has made that same popcorn tree. And I hear ya' about 1:00 church. It is enough to make me move out of my ward, having 2 toddlers that won't nap is not pleasant later on. So, glad Nursery is going well. We only have a couple weeks left until Cole goes in. YEAH!!!