Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day
I (Melissa) just wanted to wish all those mothers and would-be mothers a happy mother's day. My days are quite busy with the little munchkins and trying to keep our house somewhat clean that I sometimes forget to enjoy the moment. Luckily Lily did something the other night that helped me remember how lucky I am. Both of the kids got pretty bad colds last week and one night they both woke up coughing and couldn't get back to sleep. We brought them into our room for just a minute to help settle them down. Lily was laying right by me and Griffin was right next to her. I thought she had fallen back to sleep and then she reached over and patted Griff and said, "It okay, it okay." It was so cute. Those are the moments I love.


Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day to you Melissa! I totally understand the feeling of forgetting the joys of motherhood sometimes. The best is when Jake will just come sit in my lap and say "I love you Mom."

SeƱora Daiana said...

Melissa that is soooo cute. Your right I need to be better. Your such a good mom. Your kids are so lucky to have you. Talk to you soon.

The Clarks said...

I haven't gotten a post from you guys lately! How are you?

Miriam said...

Hey Melissa- It was fun seeing you and your sister yesterday. I love your blog! We should all get together sometime and have a playdate. Let me know when you would be available.