Sunday, October 15, 2006

Griffin has arrived! He was born on October 11, 2006 at 1:05 p.m. (MDT) He came in at 8 pounds 12 ounces and he was 22 inches long. He has dark hair and big dark eyes. Melissa and I visited him for the first time on the 12th and we brought him home on the 13th. Placement (when we received him) was quite an experience. He got home at bout 2 pm and he and Lily are now fast friends. They eat, sleep, travel, cry, have their diapers changed and have baths together.
His first night at home was long and hard. He didn't sleep very well at all. (Though Lily seemed oblivious to the whole thing.) Last night was much better. They both woke up at the same times and it made everything quite a bit easier. We've had so much help these first few days and the support has been tremendous. I'm sure that all four of us would be hosed if not for the family and friends who have been so supportive.
Lily and Griff cry much differently. He squeeks and rasps and Lily just wails away. He is better at keeping his binky in his mouth and doesn't seem to despise having his clothes changed as much as Lily. They both take food pretty seriously and they both don't seem to like being put in their carseats. However, they kind of like them once they're in and on the road.
Thanks to everyone for all of the kind messages, thoughts, prayers and well-wishes. We feel so blessed to have so many people praying and looking out for us.