Friday, March 06, 2009


I am going to try to start blogging a few of the funny things my kids say. It's hard to do it justice since they don't have a very big vocabulary yet, and a lot of the funniness (is that a word?) comes from the way they pronounce things, but anyway here goes. To give a little background Griffin is like most other kids and has to blow on food if he thinks it is even a little bit hot. Let's face it though he usually just spits on his food instead of blowing on it, anyway, Jake was filling up the bath tub for the kids the other day and was trying to get the temperature right before he put the kids in so he said, "don't touch the water Griff, it's really hot," to which Griffin said, "blow on it?" It was pretty cute.

The other cute/frightening thing this week was from Lily. We were just hanging out on the stairs, for some reason, and Lily looks at me totally serious and says, "you will listen to me!" She didn't say it loud or anything, it was like she was trying to play a Jedi mind trick on me. The funny thing is right after she said it she got this smirk on her face like, "you're going to love this Mom." It was funny and a little terrifying if that's any indication of things to come. A lot of times the things my kids say are an embarrassing reminder of how I sound talking to them, but I promise I do not say, "you will listen to me!"



SummerV said...

You just wait. When they start seeing more movies and hanging out around bigger kids they will pick up all sorts of funny and frightening things. I really have to watch what I say because Kennedy loves to listen in on conversations or repeat bad words that she hears from mom and dad.

Nate and Jen Poulson said...

Totally agree! Liam always says things like: Don't talk to me like that. His new favorite is: Well I'm going to be a Dada.
Because I say you can't do that because I'm the Mama!