I ran into a couple of missionaries in Hong Kong. It was cool to watch them as they worked at street contacting and just trying to spread their message in China.

One of the coolest things about this trip was getting to know so many of my school mates so much better. This was the international crew. Mark from Utah, Joe from Africa, myself, and Plarent from Albania. We were enjoying ourselves in a Bavarian themed restaraunt/pub on the Kowloon side of Hong Kong.

This is the floating city in one of the bays in Hong Kong. It was crazy. People literally lived their entire lives on these boats. The tour guide told us that some never ever leave the boats, despite being so close to the land.

This is where we went on the first night in Hong Kong. A group of us just wanted to check out the city. We saw all of these bright lights and thought that this would be a cool street to check out. Whoops. Red light district. Truly a sight to behold.
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