Thursday, September 06, 2007

Well, here we are, back to the month of September. Lily is nearly a year old - only a week and a half to go. And Griff is not far behind her. Things are pretty exciting these days. Both kids are mobile and they are doing great. Griff has taken a few steps, though he still prefers to crawl. As you can see, we've turned the house into Shawshank. They learn new things all the time. They love to read books with Melissa. They have a lot of fun together and with the rest of the family, too.

The kids have made some good advances this month. They quit their binkys cold turkey. They have also graduated from bottles to sippy cups. Let me tell you something, I had no idea what a task it would be to get them to make that transition. Holy smokes, it was much worse than the binky cut-off. We're going to have to work on Griff though about his irrational fear of the vaccuum. He cries really hard whenever Melissa uses it.

I started school again and it is going pretty well. It's keeping me pretty busy these days. Melissa is in 1st birthday party planning mode. Lily will be having a lady bug themed party. It should be pretty cute. Griff is going to be having a baseball themed party, which came as quite a shock to those who know us.

We also were quite pro-active this year and already got the kids their Halloween costumes. Lily has a very cute lady bug costume. Griff is going to be an adorable little devil. We're looking forward to it. Of course, no pictures will be posted until we are much closer to the event.

It's hard to believe that Lily and Griff have been around for so long. We're lucky to have two great little kids like them.


Jill Bowcutt said...

Jake, I just want you to know that I'm proud of the way you have matured this past year. When your greatest joys in life consist of sippy cups and figuring out ways to trap your children in small areas, you know you've reached a new level of maturity. You should talk Casey and Bret into moving you and Melissa up on the "Maturity Chart". Your kids are sure cute.

Becca Jo said...

Hi Jake. How are you? I got your blog address from the WJ reunion website. Your kids are so cute! here is my blog address:

Alicia is linked to mine so you can check up on her too. We still haven't gotten Valerie to start one but she will eventually break down.

I guess it was about a year ago I saw you because you had just had your little girl and were waiting for your son to be born. Time flies.

"Fair is Fair"