Saturday, February 03, 2007

So, Griff has been acting a little weird lately. He's always chewing on his hands and acting like he's hungry even if he just ate. He also is a little grumpier than normal and we haven't been able to figure out why. Or we couldn't figure out why until Melissa stuck her finger in his mouth and felt a tooth poking through. That's right, tooth number one is on its way. It is just barely poking through. I tried to get a picture of it, but Griff was rather uncooperative about letting us force his mouth open and take pictures. He is just over 3 and a half months old, which seems kind of early to me. Nevertheless, he is well on his way to inflicting pain when he bites.

Lily is also doing well. She has learned to roll from her tummy to her back. That's a good thing for her because she dislikes tummy-time most of the time. She drools a lot and is getting pretty excited to start on solid foods in a little over a month. She is getting really good at grabbing things and holding her bottle on her own. It's pretty exciting.

That's about it for now. Things are going really well for us and that has been nice. Melissa has recovered fully from her surgery and things are settling down. Griff seems to be feeling pretty good these days. The reflux and colic seem to have subsided some. They are both still sleeping through the night and we are all happier for it. Thanks for checking in on us. I hope you like the pictures.