Thursday, July 13, 2006

Melissa had another successful appointment with Dr. Terry yesterday. The baby is measuring right on schedule. We are now at 31 weeks and it looks as if this might actually work. We are making preparations for Lily's and Griffin's arrival on a daily basis. I believe that Melissa is planning to attend 5 baby showers. With those, the family reunions and the birthing class, I think that every Saturday for the rest of 2006 is blocked out. One may think that with all of those baby showers I might be on my way to golf/play station heaven. On the contrary, Melissa is working frantically to create a master list/schedule of all of my chores. I don't know how many of you have read "The Jungle", by Upton Sinclair, but it's kind of like that. She actually has purchased a white board to write down all of the things that she has for me to do, and a cattle prod to keep me on task. I have talked her into giving me Sundays off, but she is not budging on bathroom breaks. I am trying to unionize, but management is strong and the progress is slow.