Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Another day, another appointment gone by...

Everything looked just right today. Dr. Terry said that Melissa was measuring a little bit ahead, but it's not a big deal and doesn't really mean anything. Melissa also had the gestational diabetes test done today. We haven't heard anything yet, but they are not going to call unless there is a possibility that she has it. We're not too worried about it.

Dr. T then checked to see what position the baby was in. He does some sort of poking and prodding on Melissa's stomach and then has her put her hands where his were. "Do you feel that bump? That's her head." So, that was kind of cool... and strange. Apparently Lily is head-down at the moment. Melissa wished that I could have felt her head. I didn't think that was a too good of an idea. Comparable with letting Lenny pet the field mouse. It could end poorly.

Otherwise, things are good. We're working on the kids' room. A very pale yellow, with white trim. I'm not sure if we'll go solid yellow in the entire room or not. We've been doing some shopping for crib skirts and sheets and those sort of items. The experience of shopping for such things with me gave Melissa the idea to register for her baby showers with her mom and my mom and to leave me home. Win - win. Anyway, I'll post a picture of the room when we have it done.

Oh, finally, Melissa had a cavity filled at the dentist's office the other day. According to Melissa, Lily was going crazy during the appointment. Apparently Lily and I have the same type of feelings towards the dental population.


Nate and Jen Poulson said...

Tell her to stop eating all that sugar! Jen