Saturday, February 10, 2007

Thanks for coming to check out the blog. I have a lot of fun putting the pics in and writing updates about our family. However, I feel like I'm not giving back enough to you, the reader, for your support. I'd like to use this forum, from time to time, to talk about real issues that affect each of us on a daily basis.

Having said all that, the first thing I want to talk about is yogurt. To be more specific, yogurt lids. I'm sure you know what I'm getting at here. You go get a yogurt and get ready to eat, but before you can do that you have to get the lid off, all while attempting to avoid being splattered with little yogurt bits that shoot out once you remove the lid. Come on, Yoplait, is this seriously the best you can do? Why should I have to have an elaborate set up involving screens and shields while holding the yogurt as far away from me as is humanly possible in order to evade the yogurt shrapnel that invariably finds its way from the yogurt container on to my tie or cheek, the lens of my glasses or into my hair? Are you trying to tell me that we don't have the technology? In a world of iPhones, artificial organs and space travel that we can't figure out how to erase the possibility of a yogurt burp from our lives? I say enough! It's time for a change. I say we let the yogurt people know how we feel. This goes for the little fry sauce or barbeque sauce condiments that have similar lids as well. If we all work together I know that we can make a difference.
Now that I've got that off my chest I can write a little about the family too. Things are going really well. Melissa is feeling good and doing a great job with the kids. We still need a ton of help, but she is getting better and better at taking care of our two little tax exemptions on her own. (For the first time in my life I'm pretty excited to file my tax return.) Our family and friends do so much for us and we are very grateful. The kids are great. Lily is rolling over like a champ. Griff is working on adjusting to life with a tooth. Every once in a while during one of his hand chewing/sucking sessions he lets out a little yelp, but he's learning that he's the one who inflicted the pain and is now starting to only bite down hard if someone else's finger is in his mouth - which is, of course, totally justifiable. I don't like other people to put their fingers in my mouth either. They are both working on sitting up and do pretty well when they are able to lean back against something. Anyway, that's probably enough for this update. Thanks for looking in on us.


Anonymous said...

Jake, Just a small note about the yogurt. I don't know if you are aware, but Yoplait is a General Mills product. Your Uncle Brad will probably not be too happy about this negative publicity. I mean he doesn't even like me to but Froot loops. Love ya, Aunt M