Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas at the Baldwin's was quite eventful this year. The kids enjoyed their first one and were thrilled that Santa dropped by. Griff was so excited that he stayed up nearly the entire night. It was so much fun.

Lily and Griff were also excited to have their own stockings. They were filled to the brim with formula and diapers - just what they wanted. They also got some pretty cool stuff from their grandparents and their aunts and uncles.
They are doing well and so is Melissa. The hits just keep on coming. Friday the 22nd of December Melissa went to the emergency room with severe pain in her side. She was quickly diagnosed with a kidney stone. However, once her CT scan came back the doctors discovered that she actually had a cyst the size of a grapefruit on her ovary. Swell. She underwent surgery Friday night at about 10 p.m. It was basically the same as having a C-section. All went well and she even made it home Sunday morning for Christmas Eve. She is recovering well and doing great. She has really had a great attitude about the whole thing.
The kids are good and are growing like weeds. They are both in the top 90% for height. They get along well. They are spit-up machines. It is uncanny. They just seem to know the exact moment when you let your guard down. Wham! Just like that you've been slimed. It's not just that they instictively know the perfect moment. They also have a knack to throw up on whatever it is that you really don't want them to. If you just put on a shirt, they will nail it. If you have on something that has to be dry-cleaned, consider it a matter of time. They are like little barfing ninjas.


Anonymous said...

Know that our thots and prayers are with you.

Hang in there...Life only gets better and better.

Thanks for letting us see the "dynamic duo" before we departed to Israel.
Things are hectic here also... awaiting the arrival of students. No students here for last 6 years, so lots of "what do we do now.?"