Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Melissa is currently dilated to a 1. According to Dr. Terry, she needed to be at 2+ in order for him to induce labor tomorrow. We're pretty tired of waiting and I think that Lily is going to be grounded upon arrival. I'm afraid we're just going to have to wait. I hate waiting. We are scheduled to go into the hospital next Wednesday morning. Here is the good news: Dr. Terry is not going to push the due date back any further than that. Cyndee (my friend Greg's mom, and our nurse) seems to think that Melissa will go into labor before that, but at this point I've just about passed out from holding my breath. With all of my complaining one would think that I was the one with miniature human being living in my stomach. Well, Melissa isn't complaining so I don't know what to tell you. Someone's got to do it. Actually, she is doing a great job and I have nothing but good things to say about how she has managed her pregnancy from the very beginning. For the few of you who haven't already figured this out, I definitely married up.


Anonymous said...

Oh i remember those days so well! Tell meliss that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We will pray for Lily to come instead of just her health in general. Tell her here are some old wives tales to induce labor
1-eat spicy spicy food
2-get a pedicure (for some reason when they play with your feet it induces labor)
3-drink castor oil (not one I tried but hear countless times it works)
4-jump up and down on mini trampoline your water should pop sooner or later
If I think of anymore I will let you kow.